Charms of Minamiboso (11) Iyogatake


Located on the Kanto plain, Chiba Prefecture has the lowest altitude among all the prefectures in Japan, but among the gentle hills around Minamiboso City, Mount Iyogatake stands out with its rocky, abrupt summit. Actually, it is the only one in Chiba with the ending “take”, which means “peak”, and though it is only 338 meters high, you can experience the feeling of “mountain climbing”. The last part of the route to the top is a rocky steep slope with chains attached. You literary have to hold onto the chains to climb the rock! The reward is a great view of the villages below and of Tokyo Bay.


【こぼれ話】 地元に戻って来てまだ実家に居候していた1994年、母親にさそわれて登ってみました。軽い気持ちで出かけましたが、距離は短くとも、チェーンをにぎっての岩場のぼりには、ちょっとドキドキ。頂上からの眺めは確かにすばらしかったです。それ以来登っていませんが、また機会があったらぜひ登りたいなあと思います。かっこいい山姿はなかなか絵になるので、眺めるにもよい山です。